CSEF Extension

Dear Cana Families,

Communications from CEM received last Friday provided information that Camps, Sports, Excursion Funding (CSEF) eligibility to qualify has now been extended to 5th October 2020.  Schools are able to continue processing CSEF applications until Friday 27th November 2020.
CSEF closed (under normal procedures) end of Term 2.
This extension may pertain to Cana families that weren’t previously eligible for CSEF .  Families who now hold a Healthcare card, due to the impact of COVID, are strongly encouraged to apply for CSEF.
If families were issued with a Healthcare card during Term 3 by Centrelink please email Finance@canahillside.catholic.edu.au with details of your Healthcare card (full card number, cardholder name, students names, DOB & Grade level).
Mrs. Milligan; Cana Finance Officer,  will lodge an application for CSEF on behalf of families for Centrelink to process validation.  I hope this is helpful to some families. 

Remain well and optimistic.
Sincerely yours,
Carmen Blatti
Cana Catholic Primary School
46 Banchory Avenue
Hillside   VIC   3037